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Wash Your FaceBook, Strengthen Your Linked In, and Ensure Your Tweets Repeat

Security on Today’s Social Networks

With rapid utilization of social networks to stay connected with family, friends, and business associates; find employment, and remain atop of your professional development many have plunged right in with some unfortunate consequences.

Join other business professionals for this informative non-technical presentation that is sure to have benefits for both those employed and seeking new opportunities.  Learn how the latest legal ruling could affect you and what you post. We will review the do’s and the don’ts of social media, October 7, 2009, 6:00 PM, graciously hosted by Aptera, 201 W. Main Street, Fort Wayne, IN

You should attend if you are a business leaders or professionals that use social media like Linked In, FaceBook, and YouTube as part of their marketing strategy.  Click here for more information.



Leveraging Social Networking
while Protecting Your Assets

Social Networking, Security, and Corporate Systems
When to hit the Panic Button?!

With rapidly increased utilization of social networks employers and business leaders are wondering how to proceed.  Should we open FaceBook in our network? Can I manage what is being said about my company?  Is there a legitimate business use of social networking that I can leverage?  Should my company be concerned about recent legal rulings?  This presentation will assist business owners and leaders in navigating these questions, share best practices, and develop policies for their organization.

Join other business owners and leaders for this informational non-technical presentation, October 7, 2009, 7:30 AM, at the TQM Network Leadership Learning Center, 825 Barr Street, Fort Wayne, IN.

You should attend if you are a small or medium business owners or leaders who wants to understand the risks and rewards of social media like Linked In, FaceBook, and YouTube and how it may affect their organization. Click here for more information.

Note: C2 IT is a periodic email communication for business leaders of emerging businesses about current Information Technology topics.  It is written in an easy to understand manner without technical jargon, so non-technical senior business leaders can use the information to make critical business decisions.  We will not fill your in box with lots of sales material.

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Note: C2 IT.

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